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Welcome to SNPRBb (SNP Resources for Bubalus bubalis)

Trait Specific SNP Resources for Bubalus bubalis (SNPRBb) is a database containing genomic variant information of Indian buffalo. Trait-wise SNPs were identified from the ddRAD (Double-Digested Restriction Associated DNA) data. The four traits have been considered. The traits are Milk volume, Age at first calving, Post-partum cyclicity and Feed conversion efficiency. The identified SNP specific to these traits were documented in the form of database. The developed database is a useful resource for the study of Indian buffalo's population, evolution, phenotype and life habit. In the current version, total 85 samples covering four traits are analyzed.




This is a joint effort of the ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (ICAR-IASRI), New Delhi and ICAR-Central Institute of Buffalo Research (ICAR-CIRB), Hisar. The ICAR-CIRB generated the data. The ICAR-IASRI analyzed the data and developed the database.